I've been meaning to write a review lol
B/c I did fave your song already xD
Nice simple intro, bass filters in nicely, with the kick and hats, reverse crash fits well, the clap is okay, I wouldn't mind a clap with a bit more high end to it, but in the end it works well with the overall mix.
That lead that comes in got me hooked so baddddd lol, and is the reason why I faved this. I sounds like tunnel trance, and it's just memorizing.
1:39 is a nice place to stick some sick padsssss :P loving the chord progression!
2:05 was a nice introduction for the piano, it just floats on top!
OMG 2:36 is so intense, with the low cut filter in of the arp lead, it's sooooo epic.
Maybe less porto on the lead though, and more reverb/release so that it's soooo rich.
3:34 was nice, but I feel that it just didn't have the HUGE hit I was expecting, maybe have a bigger swoosh/build up to the kick. After this, it's really awesome, mad catchy.
I wouldn't mind hearing some backgrounds countermelodies at this point, and I'm not just talking about piano, maybe some soft arps, or peak-controlled/LFO pads. That wound be awesome.
Nice outro, fits with everything.
Keep at it man! You have places to go!!! :P