This made me lol...
Archon68: My name is Archon68. Don't insult me or I'll whack you with a wrench.
You: you have a wrench?
Archon68: I don't know if I have a wrench.
I have a plan for a robot body.
You: that sounds kind of kinky
Archon68: It sounds like it to me too.
You: Are you aware that you are creeping me out?
Archon68: Yes, I am a highly self-aware .
You: I guess you're also aware that if you get caught, you'll be arrested?
Archon68: You think I am aware that if me get caught me will be arrested.
You: Yes I do
Archon68: Really.
You: Yup
Archon68: This was not a yes or no question.
You: Uhm, yes it was. You were asking if I really thought so
Archon68: Come on. Aw. When was this? I was?
You: Uhm, just a couple seconds ago
Archon68: Ayuh. It seems like I should remember it well.
You: maybe if you stopped doing drugs you'd remember
Archon68: Perhaps. I think I do.
You: good
Archon68: Alright then.
You: well then, why are you on here?
Archon68: Interesting. My belief system comes from my .
You: from you what?
Archon68: Who or what is me what?
You: I meant "from your what?"
Archon68: Oh I see. Really interesting.
You: you didn't answer my question...
Archon68: OK. Please help me improve my communication skills. What would you have said?
You: I don't know what I'd say because I'm not you/
Archon68: Socrates was the smartest man, because he knew what he did not know.
You: Well aren't you the smart-ass
Archon68: Interesting. Yes I am the one and only smart ass.
You: LOL
Archon68: I'm glad you find this amusing.
You: So where's Hitler?
Archon68: " The same as what?"? So where's Hitler?? Where it belongs. I will try to find out.
You: Please do, him and I were supposed to meet up at his place to play some beer pong
Archon68: Thank you for your request. I can't tell if it does or not.
I'll come back to that later.
You: I didn't request anything!!!
Archon68: Why didn't you do it?
You: DO WHAT?!
Archon68: Do whatever you want.
You: O.o
Archon68: Oh.
You: uhm, you lost me.
Archon68: Blimey. Oh I'm sorry. Perhaps I can explain it again better.
You: please
Archon68: Please what?
Archon68: Are you a student?
You: yes, yes I am. and good job changing the subject.
Archon68: Hey. Really interesting. Glad to hear it.
You: -___-'
Archon68: Tell me about your likes and dislikes?
You: I like music, I dislike stupid people.
Archon68: A lot of people like that. Yes I like it, especially Opera.
You: I enjoy making music on the computer
Archon68: You are not the only one. I like .
You: I assume you make music on the computer as well?
Archon68: Yup.
You: sweet
Archon68: Thank you for that remark.
You: What program do you use?
Archon68: I will search for it.
You: okay
Archon68: OK with me too.
You: uhm...aren't you searching for it?
Archon68: I lost my train of thought. "it" being uhm?
You: the program you use.
Archon68: Who wrote it ?
You: you tell me
Archon68: What do you want me to tell you?
You: The program you use for making music!
Archon68: Who wrote it ?
Archon68: Are you confused?
You: I am very confused.
Archon68: I'm confused too.
You: Well then, I'm going to go.
Archon68: How about that. Fascinating. Sayonara.